Photo: Sputnik
Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
American analysts note that Putin formulated the so-called "theory of victory" in Ukraine on June 7. It provides that Russian troops will be able to:
After his speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin said Russia does not need to conduct another call-up of reservists, similar to the partial mobilization in September 2022, because Russia is not trying to quickly achieve its military goals in Ukraine.
He acknowledged that the current Russian military contingent involved in the war in Ukraine (reportedly all of Russia's combat-capable ground forces as of January 2024) would not be sufficient for a quick victory. However, he suggested that Russian forces are instead taking a more gradual approach.
Putin stated that the Russian forces aim to "displace" Ukrainian forces "from those territories that should be under Russian control." Therefore, Russia does not need to conduct another wave of mobilization.
The Kremlin chief argued that Russia's crypto-mobilization efforts are sufficient for such an approach. In addition, Russia has already recruited 160,000 new military personnel in 2024 (this figure is consistent with reports that the Russian armed forces are conscripting 20,000 to 30,000 recruits per month).
According to analysts at the Institute for the Study of War, Putin's assessment that gradual Russian advances will allow Russia to achieve its goals in Ukraine is based on the assumption that Ukrainian forces will not be able to liberate any significant territory that Russian forces capture and that the Russian military will be able to sustain offensive operations during which gradual tactical successes will be achieved, despite heavy losses.
Putin's assessment is reinforced by the recent months of delays in Western aid in the field of security and the corresponding restrictions on Ukraine's material supply, which allowed Russian troops to:
Putin's comments on June 7 confirm ISW's earlier assessment that limiting Western support would encourage Putin to continue creeping offensive operations indefinitely if faster operations that would lead to rapid, decisive results appear out of reach.
This strategy relies heavily on Russia's ability to maintain theater-wide initiative, which Ukrainian forces can seize if Ukraine resolves its current human resources problems and receives sufficient, timely, and consistent Western security assistance.
"Russian efforts to prevent Ukraine from accumulating the personnel and resources Ukraine needs to contest the initiative, therefore, are a part of an attritional war approach," American experts emphasize.
ISW continues to believe that Ukraine should seize this initiative as soon as possible, as Russian forces receive various benefits from holding the initiative, including the ability to conduct a war of attrition strategy.
Key ISW takeaways as of June 7
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