European Commission to propose accession negotiations with Ukraine in June – FT

The European Commission will recommend starting negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on joining the EU in June. They intend to launch the process before Hungary takes over the EU presidency.

The Financial Times reports this.

According to three reliable sources, the European Commission is advocating for formal accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova to commence this month to send a positive message to both countries.

The Financial Times reports that the European Commission will announce its decision on the recommendation to start negotiations today, June 7.

The European Commission is set to announce that Ukraine has now fulfilled previously unmet criteria, such as enacting measures against corruption, placing limitations on political influence, implementing asset declaration regulations for government officials, and safeguarding the languages spoken by minority groups.

The commission's suggestion mandates the unanimous agreement of all 27 nations belonging to the European Union. Hungary is anticipated to raise an issue due to the alleged infringement of the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine.

Hungary will take over the EU presidency on July 1, giving it more influence. As a result, Belgium, the current presidency holder, aims to conduct the first round of accession talks on June 25.

For reference:

It should be noted that Mathernova previously expressed her belief that Ukraine is ready to start negotiations on joining the European Union. The head of the EU mission in Kyiv hopes for their start at the end of June.

In addition, on May 1, the 20th anniversary of the largest expansion in the European Union's history, the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, noted in his statement that candidate countries, including Ukraine, have a historic opportunity to build strong relations with the European Union.

Also, the presidents of the three Baltic countries, in a joint statement for the 20th anniversary of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia's membership in the EU, called for holding intergovernmental conferences with Ukraine and Moldova and for the start of accession negotiations with them in June 2024.

According to Rubryka's report, the European Commission announced on March 12 that it had drafted a negotiation framework for Ukraine and Moldova's membership in the EU. The framework will now be deliberated among the EU member states.

The Office of the President noted that Ukraine has fulfilled over 90% of the European Commission's recommendations.

The Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine, Katarina Mathernova, believes that Ukraine's accession to the EU in 2030 is quite realistic.

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