Switzerland donates $60 mln to digitize Ukraine’s public services

Switzerland is providing more than 60 million dollars in financial aid to Ukraine to digitize public services.

The Swiss government's press service reported this.

As noted, at the June 7 meeting, the Federal Council of Switzerland decided to continue supporting Ukraine in digitization and e-government.

The country will allocate 58.7 million Swiss francs (over 64 million dollars) to Ukraine over the next four years.

The funds will be directed to projects in the regions affected by the war. Among the key areas will be:

  • health care,
  • education,
  • humanitarian demining.

As the Swiss government notes, digitalization increases the transparency of public services, which is crucial for Ukraine's reconstruction.

Switzerland will announce its support at the next Ukraine Reconstruction Conference (URC), which will take place in Berlin on June 11 and 12, 2024.

Switzerland responded positively to Ukraine's application and public services portal "Diia."

The project was implemented thanks to "E-Governance for Accountability and Participation" (EGAP), which promotes the digital transformation of Ukrainian governance and has been supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) since 2015.

Rubryka previously mentioned which educational documents can be accessed through the "Diia" app.

It was also announced that the veteran's ID card would be featured on the Diia application starting June 5.

For reference:

It should be noted that Switzerland financed the creation of six simulation centers in Ukraine, thanks to which future doctors will prepare to work with actual patients.

In addition, Switzerland will transfer more than 100 million euros of aid to Ukraine. The funds will be used for demining and food.

Switzerland announced the allocation of 11.8 million Swiss francs in additional aid for Ukraine in the winter period, which is about 13.66 million dollars.

Also, the Federal Government of Switzerland planned to allocate 5 billion Swiss francs (5 billion euros) for the reconstruction of Ukraine until 2036. However, Switzerland's Council of Cantons – the upper house of parliament – ​​expectedly rejected the proposal at a meeting on June 3.

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