15:58 05 Jun 2024

Eco-solutions: new biodiesel plant to be constructed in Lviv for increased energy sustainability

Photo: open sources

The OKKO group of companies intends to construct a biodiesel plant in Lviv, furthering the expansion of their biofuel infrastructure.

Vasyl Danyliak, CEO of the group, reported this, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

Vasyl Danyliak explained that the two plants – biodiesel and bioethanol – will require significant raw materials from crop production.

"For the past two years, we have been building a biofuel processing strategy and made serious progress. At the end of last year, we approved the concept of our bioethanol plant. We are currently developing a biodiesel plant," Danyliak said.

OKKO has started building a bioethanol plant in the Ternopil region. The project is expected to take two years to complete and has an estimated annual production volume of 83,000 tons.

The company also acquired a share of the agribusiness of Petro Hadza, an entrepreneur from the Ternopil region. This step is connected with the necessity of partially supplying its own raw materials for biofuel production.

The company's portfolio's share of animal production will enable the production of biomethane in addition to crop production. This will allow OKKO to expand its capabilities in alternative energy and ensure more sustainable fuel production.

For reference:

It should be noted that in Ukraine, suppliers will be required to label fuel for Ukraine's armed forces in different colors: diesel – red and gasoline – green.

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