Solutions from Ukraine: “Diia” app now features veteran’s certificate

From today, June 5, the "Diia" app will show the veteran's ID card.

The Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, reported that on Telegram.

What is the problem?

It should be noted that in 2021, Ukraine's parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, passed draft law No. 5694. This law aims to improve the Unified State Register of War Veterans and implement an electronic ID card for veterans.

The purpose of the law is to enshrine at the legislative level the possibility for citizens of Ukraine to use the electronic display of information contained in the identity card of a war veteran, an injured participant of the Revolution of Dignity, and a person subject to the validity of this Law (veteran's e-ID).

What is the solution?

At the end of April 2024, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs announced that electronic IDs for veterans would be launched in "Diia."

These e-certificates will verify the status of a veteran, a war-related disabled person, and a family member of a deceased military member.

"One of the most anticipated documents for our defenders has been launched. Now, the veteran's card will always be at hand; there is no need to carry a paper counterpart," the minister noted.

How does it work?

Such a document can be added by:

  • combatants,
  • people with disabilities due to war,
  • participants in the war,
  • injured participants of the Revolution of Dignity,
  • family members of a deceased war veteran,
  • family members of the deceased defender and defender of Ukraine.

To add a veteran's ID, a person will need to:

  1. Scroll through all the documents in "Diia";
  1. Click on "Add document" ;
  1. Select "Veteran's ID" and permit to receive data;
  1. Click on "Add certificate".

"Everything is ready; the document will appear in the application within a few minutes. Use it anywhere and anytime; don't worry if you forgot the document at home," Fedorov summarized.

The Ministry of Veterans Affairs is also developing an online platform for all benefits and services for territorial communities. The pilot e-map of services and opportunities has already been launched in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions.

In 2 months, the e-system will work in all regions of Ukraine.

The development of an e-card listing vacancies for veterans has also been launched; it will be operational in four months.

For reference:

It should be noted that from May 30 to June 3, the national selection for the Ukrainian national team of the Invictus Games 2025 was held in Kyiv. National competitions in various sports were held among wounded military and veterans.

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