Solutions from Ukraine: unique Food Train to aid frontline communities in Kharkiv region

The autonomous kitchen train, developed in partnership with Ukrzaliznytsia [Ukrainian Railways – ed.] and the Howard Buffett Foundation to aid frontline regions, now serves the Kharkiv region.

Zelensky reports that on Telegram.

"It helps the region get through difficult times because the Food Train is not only a source of food but also a center of hope and faith in humanity and goodness. Thank you to everyone who cares about our people and helps Ukraine to stand up and protect every life.

Comprehensive support for Ukraine, providing our state and society with all the tools to fight against Russian terror and save people, is the best possible protection of humanity. Protection that really matters," Zelensky said.

It is worth mentioning that Ukrzaliznytsia created the world's first autonomous kitchen train—the Food Train. It can work autonomously for up to seven days and deliver food to the most remote regions of Ukraine, making more than 10,000 portions of food every day.

Photo: Ukrzaliznytsia

At the same time, only 14 cooks and 7 railway workers are needed to support the train's operational activities and produce such a large number of portions.

Photo: Ukrzaliznytsia

The Howard G. Buffett Foundation fully funds the train's construction and operation. Howard Buffett frequently rode with Ukrzaliznytsia and traveled through the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, and Kherson regions during the war. He also supports several other railway projects, including "Iron Change."

Photo: Ukrzaliznytsia

The train consists of six cars:

  • generator wagon;
  • a refrigerator car with a freezer for storing products;
  • a car with a cold kitchen for preliminary processing of products;
  • a car with a hot kitchen for preparing final dishes;
  • train staff car with shower and washing machine;
  • a baggage car for 27,000 liters of water with filtration and pumping stations.

For reference:

On November 23, 2023, the Food Train charity kitchen set off on its first journey, providing hot lunches to those in need in the frontline regions of Kharkiv.

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