Solutions from Ukraine: Zakarpattia schoolchildren transform dusty library into creative space

Children from the Zakarpattia region [Transcarpathia – ed.] transformed the dusty library reading room of the Horinchiv community into a hub of creativity, designing and painting the floor themselves. The goal was to provide a space for young people to enjoy movie screenings.

ShoTam reports this.

What is the problem?

Evelina Yakym, who is 16 years old, noticed her peers stayed home after school. This seemed strange to her because she has many hobbies herself.

"I like many things: language learning and photography, and I write and draw. And in particular, youth work has recently become a great passion for me," Evelina says.

What is the solution?

Initially, the teenager was unsure about how to change it. She decided to hang out with friends, play board games, and chat. However, when she learned about the education department of the Horinchiv Village Council, which was seeking ambitious young individuals, she was eager to participate.

"One of the areas of my work is working with young people. Currently, our community has about 13,000 people aged 14 to 35.

That's when we thought this kind of space was missing in our community. It would be perfect if young people could gather there and spend their time and leisure," Rosokha, deputy head of the education department, says.

How does it work?

A suitable location was quickly identified—the reading room of the nearby library. Unfortunately, the room was in poor condition, and no funds were available for renovations at the time.

Photo: Video screenshot

However, the community administration was so fascinated by the idea of ​​schoolchildren that they found a grant for it. Evelina and her friends didn't want to miss out, so they took it upon themselves to handle the repairs.

"For example, we painted the floor ourselves, moved the furniture, cleaned. We did all this because we wanted to have a hub, and that's why we decided that if we don't do it, no one will," the girl noted.

Photo: Video screenshot

Schoolchildren have almost finished the renovation and are already gathering in the space.

"At our hub, we host a variety of activities, including training, movie nights, and charity events. We're also involved in different projects and have recently welcomed youth involvement in the "School of Youth Councils" program from the USAID "HOVERLA" Project," the organizers noted.

Photo: Video screenshot

The USAID "HOVERLA" project is currently offering substantial support. This includes not only soft skills such as training, forums, and knowledge exchanges but also tangible assistance such as purchasing equipment and supporting educational institutions. For instance, the community received generators in 2022.

The community is convinced that such initiatives will only multiply.

"When young people meet in such spaces, they feel safe, free, and comfortable. They can implement all their ideas, find like-minded people, and communicate. This is very important and brings results," the community says.

For reference:

It is essential to mention that the European Union and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine have collaborated to create a new youth center at the Poltava Center for Culture and Leisure. This space will allow young people in the community to share their ideas for enhancing their well-being and promoting volunteerism.

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