Russian forces launch rocket attack on Dnipro, causing fire and injuring six, including a baby

On the morning of June 4, Russian forces attacked the city of Dnipro with missiles, causing damage to civilian infrastructure and vehicles from debris from their downed aerial targets. Unfortunately, six individuals, including children, sustained injuries.

The head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Serhii Lysak, the Air Force of Ukraine's armed forces, reported that on Telegram.

Initially, the Air Force warned about an incoming enemy missile strike targeting the city.

"Threat of using ballistic missiles from the east!" they wrote.

An air raid alert was announced in the Cherkasy, Poltava, Kharkiv, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions.

At 5:30 a.m., the "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia" publication featured a report on smoke billowing over the city following the explosions.

Afterward, the regional leader reported on the repelled enemy attack, resulting in fragments of missiles falling on the infrastructure.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration (Regional Military Administration)

"Difficult morning in Dnipro. The enemy attacked the city. Air defense forces shot down two rockets. However, due to falling debris, civilian infrastructure was damaged, a fire broke out, and residents were injured.

There are also some children among them. The infant boy, who is only one month old, is in satisfactory condition and will receive outpatient treatment. Another boy, 17 years old, is currently in the hospital in a moderate condition," Lysak noted.

Additionally, these individuals were also impacted:

  • a 68-year-old man;
  • three women aged 32, 36, and 56.

"One of them is hospitalized in a moderate condition," the head of the regional military administration explained.

In addition, one and a half dozen cars were damaged, and windows were broken in private houses, high-rise buildings, and a hospital.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk State Administration (Regional Military Administration)

According to Lysak, all necessary services are working on the ground.

"The aggressor hit Nikopol in the evening. He targeted the city with kamikaze drones. People are safe," the head of the regional military administration noted.

For reference:

It should be noted that in one week, the Russian army launched around 1,000 missiles, including anti-aircraft ones and attack drones, at Ukraine.

As Rubryka reported, on the night of June 1, Russian aggressors once again staged a massive air attack on Ukraine. The invaders used 100 missiles and kamikaze drones for the attack: the air defense forces managed to destroy over 80 enemy targets.

The enemy targeted energy facilities in five regions of the country.

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