11:29 04 Jun 2024

Ukraine sets new export record with 108,000 tons of sugar in one month

In May, Ukraine set a record by exporting 108 thousand tons of sugar, with 65% going to the European Union and 35% to other countries.

The press service of the National Association of Sugar Manufacturers of Ukraine, "Ukrtsukor," informs about this.

As reported by the acting chairman of the board of the association, Yana Kavushevska, according to the results of May:

  • Ukraine exported 65% of its sugar to the European Union,
  • 35% — to other countries.

In general, the export of Ukrainian sugar reached a record level of 108,000 tons last month.

"On May 30, the government introduced restrictions on the export of Ukrainian sugar to the EU, but it is pleasing that our producers have restored routes not only to Europe but also to the world market (to the countries of the Mediterranean, West Africa)," Kavushevska said.

The official also mentioned that last year was good for sugar beets.

експорт цукру

Photo: National Association of Sugar Manufacturers of Ukraine "Ukrtsukor"

She believes that sugar beet will remain among the top three profitable crops and can become a good alternative to cereals.

It's worth mentioning that the Ukrainian government, the Cabinet of Ministers, has lowered the quota for sugar exports to EU nations to zero. In other words, it has suspended exports until the end of the year.

The new draft agreement on trade preferences between Ukraine and the EU, which the European Commission intends to extend until June 6 next year, restricts the export of Ukrainian sugar, poultry meat, and eggs to the European market.

For reference:

As reported, Ukraine is conducting technical negotiations with Poland regarding export licenses, which the Polish Minister of Agriculture stated earlier: this will be a "positive step" towards the liberalization of trade against the background of the embargo.

In September, the European Commission announced that it would not extend restrictions on importing agricultural products from Ukraine after September 15. Still, Kyiv agreed to take measures to limit imports from its side.

In addition, the European Commission does not see significant negative consequences of Ukrainian agricultural exports for European markets.

On the other hand, Polish Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Sekerski declared that the Polish-Ukrainian border will remain closed to Ukrainian products, and the ban on their export to Poland will be indefinite.


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