10:59 03 Jun 2024

Kharkiv prosecutor's office launches probe into viral video of Russian soldiers abusing Ukrainian POWs

After the video showing the mistreatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war on the Kharkiv front went viral, Ukrainian law enforcement launched an investigation into the case of abuse.

The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office reports this.

In the video, Russian soldiers injure Ukrainian soldiers and stage a mock execution by firing a gun close to the head of one of the prisoners of war.

Photo: video screenshot

Furthermore, in the video, the occupiers use psychological tactics to coerce the Ukrainian defenders into singing the anthem of the USSR.

Attention; the footage might be shocking and have swear words!

The prosecutor's office stressed that such actions are a violation of the Geneva Conventions, which grant prisoners of war the right to be treated humanely.

Right now, Ukrainian law enforcement is working to identify the victims and soldiers from Russia. An investigation has been launched for potentially breaking war laws and traditions (Section 438.1 of Ukraine's Criminal Code).

Earlier, the Ukrainian ombudsman, Dmytro Lubinets, sent official letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN, requesting them to document the reported abuse on video.

Since March 2022, Russian occupiers have executed Ukrainian prisoners of war, with 54 cases recorded.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Russian army is not the first to violate the Geneva Conventions, laws, and customs of war by shooting Ukrainian prisoners of war. Such cases were recorded, particularly in Avdiivka, near Robotyne, Bakhmut, and in the Olenivka colony.

Russian soldiers shot two Ukrainian prisoners of war on February 18 in the Khortytsia Operational Strategic Group of Forces' area of responsibility.

In addition, the leader of the "Tavria" operational and strategic troop group, Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, stated on February 17 that while Ukrainian units were withdrawing from Avdiivka in the Donetsk region, several soldiers were taken prisoner by the Russians.

Additionally, the DeepState Telegram channel released a video showing a group of soldiers shooting two other soldiers as they emerged from a dugout. One of the soldiers had his hands raised behind his head. This is another instance of Russian occupiers committing a war crime in the Avdiivka vicinity, close to Stepove.

In his turn, the ombudsman, Dmytro Lubinets, reacted to the situation. He intends to appeal to international organizations through this video and hopes that intelligence will be able to physically identify the culprits.

Ukraine's armed forces also confirmed the information that the Russian invaders shot two unarmed Ukrainian soldiers.

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