Ukraine’s defense minister urges investment in domestic weapon production at the Asian Security Summit

During the Asian Security Summit, the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Rustem Umerov, urged delegates from the top defense companies and technology giants to consider investing in weapons production in Ukraine and collaborate in establishing defense enterprises.

Umerov announced this on Facebook.

"This partnership has great potential: Ukraine gets access to the latest technologies, and the company gets the opportunity to develop advanced weapons. The creation of a powerful military industry is a matter of national security for us," the message reads.

According to Umerov, the Ministry of Defense is already cooperating with:

  • BAE Systems,
  • Lockheed Martin,
  • Airbus,
  • Boeing,
  • Saab,
  • google,
  • Oracle.

Photo: Facebook / Rustem Umerov

Many other defense companies and Ukrainian soldiers have tested their weapons, equipment, and technologies on the battlefield with great success, providing valuable feedback for product improvement.

"Our focus is production in Ukraine or the involvement of Ukrainian companies in cooperation with these global giants. I thank the leading global corporations for their constant support of Ukraine," Umerov said.

As Rubryka reported, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umerov, discussed the development of cooperation in defense technologies during a meeting with the Minister of Defense of Singapore, Ng Eng Hen, within the framework of the Asian Security Summit's "Shangri-La Dialogue."

For reference:

As previously reported by Rubryka, Ukraine is planning to ramp up the production of various weapons next year, with a focus on missiles and anti-aircraft ammunition.

During his appearance on the national telethon, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk expressed the ministry's goal to ramp up production in 2024 in collaboration with the Ministry of Strategic Industries and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Specifically, they are aiming to increase the production of significantly:

  • rockets,
  • ammunition,
  • weapons,
  • and military equipment.

In 2024, Ukraine plans to produce 1 million FPV drones, more than 10,000 mid-range strike drones, and more than 1,000 drones with a range of 1,000 km or more.

It is worth adding that Ukraine and Belgium plan to establish joint weapons production.

In turn, the German concern Rheinmetall is conducting negotiations on constructing a tank plant in Ukraine.

Moreover, the Kremlin's threats to intensify the bombing of Ukraine will not affect the intentions of the German arms company Rheinmetall regarding this construction.

Even earlier, it was reported that JSC "Ukrainian defense industry" and the Polish company Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa would jointly produce tank shells of 125 mm caliber. Ukraine and Poland signed the corresponding agreement on April 5, 2024.

In addition, Ukraine and one of the NATO countries began to produce 122-mm artillery shells. The first batch of ammunition has already been sent to the front.

Currently, about 300,000 people have been recruited to work in the defense complex of Ukraine.

JSC "Ukrainian defense industry" signed a memorandum of cooperation with the leading German company Dynamit Nobel Defense.

In addition, JSC "Ukrainian defense industry" will produce small arms in accordance with NATO standards.

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