China discourages other countries from joining Ukraine Peace Summit — Zelensky

At this time, Ukraine has confirmation from 106 countries regarding their participation in the Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15. However, the Russian Federation is trying to prevent its holding, and China is helping it in this.

Interfax—Ukraine cites Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky as saying this on Sunday during a conversation with the media at the Dialogue —Shangri La conference in Singapore.

"We have confirmation from 106 countries of the world. And this is at a high level: at the level of leaders, at the high level of representatives of their countries.

Today, Russia travels to many countries, threatening to block food products, agricultural products or chemicals, energy prices, or simply putting pressure on other countries not to attend the summit," the Ukrainian leader said.

As Zelensky added, there is "not very good information" that some states have started helping Russia in the diplomatic disruption of the Peace Summit.

"And that's why, when you ask what the world can do, the world must be strong and put political pressure on Russia. There is no other way to stop Putin, only diplomatic isolation, a strong Ukrainian army, and let all the world's countries figure it out: not to balance between Ukraine and Russia, but to protect justice and international law," the Ukrainian head of state emphasized.

Later, the Ukrainian leader compared the positions of the US and China regarding the Peace Summit and emphasized that China is working to disrupt it.

The United States has confirmed its presence at a high level. There is a chance that the president (US, Joe Biden — ed.) will participate. As for China, they have not confirmed their presence at any level.

The United States has contacts with some countries and encourages them to participate in the Peace Summit.

Unfortunately, China, on the contrary, is working to prevent countries from attending the Peace Summit. "There is a big difference between these two positions," Zelensky emphasized.

We remind you that Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin on the sidelines of the Asian Summit held in Singapore.

The Ukrainian leader also met with the bipartisan delegation of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, led by its chairman, Republican Party member Mike McCaul.

China's attitude to Russia's war in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, China has taken an allegedly neutral position. It did not officially condemn Moscow but declared that it supports the sovereignty of Ukraine.

However, after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Beijing strengthened cooperation with Moscow. China sells dual-use products to Russia that are used by the Russian military-industrial complex to produce weapons.

Earlier, China released its peace plan for Ukraine, but it was criticized. China also advocated holding a peace conference regarding Ukraine, but they want representatives of Moscow to be present at it.

President Volodymyr Zelensky also stated that China plays a big role in the international arena, so Ukraine wants this country to be involved in the peace formula.

After official talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, Xi Jinping said that China advocates the path of negotiations and will support a peace conference that will unite all parties and be recognized by Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

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