15:55 02 Jun 2024

Macron allows Ukraine to hit Russian airfields in Belgorod and Kursk with Scalp missiles — BBC

Фото: The MBDA

French President Emmanuel Macron's words that Ukraine should have the right to strike military facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation can be interpreted as a "green light" to strike Russian airfields with Scalp (Storm Shadow) missiles.

An anonymous French military aviation officer said this, RBC-Ukraine reports with reference to BBC News.

"We must allow the neutralization of military facilities from which missiles are launched, and, in fact, military facilities from which Ukraine is attacked," Macron said last week.

As a French officer explained in a conversation with the BBC, the Ukrainian military now has permission to strike French SCALP missiles at airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation.

However, according to the officer, such operations will be limited for now, as Ukraine has not yet received F-16 fighter jets, and Soviet Su-24 bombers equipped with Scalp missiles will have to come very close to the border with Russia, which will make them vulnerable to Russian air defense.

It is worth noting that on July 11, 2023, Macron announced the delivery of long-range missiles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, "it is important to send a signal of support for Ukraine, of NATO unity." It was about Storm Shadow / SCALP, and then Ukraine promised not to strike with them on Russian territory.

What is known about SCALP missiles

The SCALP missile is the French version of the British Storm Shadow. This long-range weapon can strike targets up to 500 km away.

The missiles move at a speed of more than 1000 km/h at an altitude of 30 kilometers. It can also penetrate concrete for several meters and make a cavity in which a 450-kilogram charge is to be detonated.

We will remind that Great Britain supplied Ukraine with Storm Shadow cruise missiles, giving Ukrainian soldiers a new long-range strike potential on the eve of the long-awaited counteroffensive of Ukrainian troops.

SCALP missiles were also used to destroy the main logistical facilities that provided the Russian front.


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