Video 10:40 01 Jun 2024

Ukraine needs more Patriots and increased supply of F-16s: Zelensky reacts to Russia's night attack

Фото: Офіс Президента

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, reacted to the mass attack on Ukraine, once again addressing the West and showing the consequences of the shelling.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Telegram of the Head of State.

The Ukrainian leader said that at night, Russia launched more than 50 missiles and about 50 attack drones in the regions of the country.

"Civilian people, infrastructure, energy facilities. This is what Russia is fighting against. Tonight, another shelling from more than 50 missiles of various types and about 50 Shahed drones was directed at the south, center, and west of Ukraine," Zelensky said.

As the president noted, Russia's main goal is:

  • normalize terror
  • use the lack of sufficient air defense means and the determination of Ukraine's partners.

"Russian terrorists only understand the language of force, and the only way to stop this terror and prevent it from becoming the norm is to make effective decisions in a timely manner.

Full protection of the Ukrainian sky should become the norm so that the crazies in the Kremlin understand that their terror does not achieve its goals," Zelensky added.

According to Zelensky, the partner countries know exactly what is needed for this.

"Additional Patriot and other modern air defense systems for Ukraine. Acceleration and expansion of F-16 deliveries to Ukraine. Providing our soldiers with all necessary capabilities.

Only when Putin loses the ability to hit civilians and civilian infrastructure will he be forced to stop his terror.

It is a test of humanity and determination for the free world. Either we will pass this test together, or the world will plunge into even greater destabilization and chaos," the president emphasized.

Russia's overnight attack on Ukraine on June 1

On the night of June 1, the Russian invaders launched Kh-101 cruise missiles, Kalibr missiles, and attack drones over Ukraine. The enemy targeted energy facilities in five regions of the country.

Consequences of an enemy attack:

  • in Zaporizhzhia, an energy facility was struck. Traffic through the Dniprovska HPP was temporarily blocked due to night attacks;
  • in the Kirovohrad region, an energy infrastructure object was also affected;
  • in Vinnytsia, a fire started at a critical infrastructure facility due to fragments of a downed drone falling.

During an air attack at night, the enemy seriously damaged equipment at two thermal power plants.
In the Lviv region, six Russian missiles hit power structures.
In total, the invaders used 100 missiles and kamikaze drones for the attack: the air defense forces managed to destroy more than 80 enemy targets.

It should be added that since the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression, the occupying forces have already attacked Ukrainian thermal power plants almost 180 times.

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