
United to win: Ukraine and Iceland forge security partnership with long-term support agreement

In Stockholm, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and Prime Minister of Iceland Bjarni Benediktsson signed an Agreement on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support.

The Office of the President reports this.

Iceland undertook to provide comprehensive and long-term economic, humanitarian, and defense support to Ukraine and promote its future membership in the EU and NATO.

Between 2024 and 2028, Iceland plans to allocate a minimum of 4 billion Icelandic krona (equivalent to nearly $30 million) annually. Ukraine's assistance will remain in effect throughout the duration of the contract. Iceland is also prepared to fund, procure, and provide defense resources and equipment. Furthermore, it is collaborating with Ukraine to advance its defense sector.

Photo: Office of the President

The uniqueness of the agreement is that Iceland undertakes to continue transporting military cargo and equipment from NATO allies to Ukraine by chartered cargo planes. In addition, Iceland will pay special attention to the support and equipment of Ukrainian women in Ukraine's armed forces.

Separate sections of the agreement concern:

  • support for the Ukrainian peace formula,
  • sanctions against the Russian Federation,
  • compensation for damages,
  • and bringing the aggressor to justice.

The agreement also provides for strengthening social and civil infrastructure, particularly in the fields of education and energy security.

Iceland is committed to strengthening its diplomatic representation in Kyiv to deepen cooperation with Ukrainian government institutions, parliament, civil society, and the private sector.

Photo: Office of the President

For reference:

Ukraine and Iceland concluded an agreement on implementing the G7 Vilnius Declaration, which was adopted on July 12 last year. In total, Ukraine has already signed fourteen bilateral security agreements with Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden, and Iceland.

As Rubryka reported, President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Stockholm, where he will attend the third Ukraine-Northern Europe Summit.

During the visit, Zelensky and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson, signed an Agreement on cooperation in the security field in Stockholm.

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