United to win: US arms factory opens to produce 155-mm artillery shells for Ukraine

The US Army has launched a new factory in Mesquite, Texas, to manufacture artillery shells. The facility is set to produce approximately 30,000 projectiles each month for 155-millimeter guns, which are essential for military operations in Ukraine.

The New York Times reports this.

Last year, the Pentagon declared its aim to reach a production goal of 100,000 shells per month by 2025 to support Ukraine's artillery forces.

This goal is an almost tenfold increase in production compared to a few years ago.

The combined plant output of Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, is around 36,000 units per month. When fully up and running, General Dynamics' latest facility in Mesquite, Texas, will produce 30,000 monthly units.

Ohio-based defense firm IMT is expected to make up the difference.

The facility, funded with over $500 million, was allocated additional funds for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. It has advanced manufacturing technology and automation for producing large-caliber metal parts.

Just under a year ago, the rural landscape in North Texas was empty. However, with the help of millions in funding from Congress, General Dynamics, a US defense company, inaugurated its plant just ten months after breaking ground.

As the first production line for 155-millimeter shells was being finished at the Mesquite plant, workers were simultaneously preparing a second line in the same building.

Once it reaches maximum capacity next year, the Mesquite plant is expected to generate approximately 350 jobs in the local economy.

Another projectile plant is being built in Camden, Arkansas, and the Pentagon intends to open a second shell production line at a military plant in Iowa. They also anticipate partially opening a plant in Parsons, Kansas.

US Army Secretary Christine Wormuth emphasized the importance of this facility, noting the plant's role in strengthening national defense through increased production.

"The work being done at these production facilities directly contributes to the defense of our country and makes us stronger," Wormuth said at the opening ceremony.

For reference:

After the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the demand for 155 mm artillery shells significantly rose. However, the Allies had depleted their own supplies for defense.

Therefore, it was reported that Finland will soon start producing artillery ammunition for Ukraine.

It should be noted that the German arms company Rheinmetall recently received a substantial order for 155-mm artillery ammunition for Ukraine. The specific NATO country that placed the order has not been disclosed.

It was also reported that the first batch of artillery shells under the Czech initiative would arrive in Ukraine "in the next few days."

In addition, projectile production has increased significantly in Ukraine, but Kyiv, as before, mainly relies on supplies from partners.

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