Video 15:14 29 May 2024

Solutions to win: Ukrainian army aims to accelerate robotics and boost unmanned ground platform production

Фото: ЕП

The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces seeks to speed up the Ukrainian army's robotics and increase the number of orders for unmanned ground platforms.

The European Pravda learned this while attending demonstration tests for medical robot platforms organized by the Ministry of Strategy and Industry.

What is the problem?

As the military emphasizes, the use of land-based robotic platforms will save the lives of defenders who are currently evacuating the wounded from the battlefield.

"In the area of ​​Bakhmut, we went on an assault, and we had one seriously wounded. An evacuation unit of four soldiers came to the rescue. The Russians targeted this group, and instead of one wounded, we had five. Instead of 30-40 minutes, the evacuation lasted 2.5 hours.

Now we are trying to use robotic systems as much as possible so as not to risk our soldiers during the evacuation of the wounded," Alina Mykhaylova, head of the medical service of the Da Vinci Wolves battalion, said.

What is the solution?

The military leaders are determined to accelerate the robotics development within the Ukrainian army and boost the orders for unmanned ground platforms.

How does it work?

"We already have schools that teach the military how to use land-based robotic platforms. We understand what characteristics they should have; our medics are already working with the manufacturers," noted the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's armed forces, Andriy Lebedenko.

As he clarified, now the general staff is striving to scale these platforms.

евакуаційні платформи

Photo: European Pravda

"There are already several state contracts for many of these machines with companies. Some of them have been signed, and some are in the process of being signed. The head of the committee's position is that we should speed up this process," Lebedenko said.

Ambassadors from other countries were also invited to the demonstration tests. The goal is to offer partners to buy this equipment for the Defense Forces.

"Techniques for medical evacuation are currently insufficient at the front. But our manufacturers have robotic platforms and armored vehicles that could save the lives of our military and civilians tomorrow.

We are trying to attract the attention of foreign partners so that they buy Ukrainian equipment for the Ukrainian army," said Deputy Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine Hanna Hvozdiar.


For reference:

It should be noted that the Ukrainian inventors of the Brave1 cluster have developed a FoxTac remote-controlled evacuation platform that can transport wounded soldiers from the battlefield. The transporter has successfully passed preliminary tests and is at the stage of codification.

In general, since the beginning of 2024, specialists of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine have codified and allowed the operation of 9 ground robotic complexes of Ukrainian production in the Ukrainian army.

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