Trump shocks donors by declaring he “would have bombed Moscow” in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – WP

Donald Trump, a former US President, and potential presidential candidate held a private event in early May with some of the top donors for his upcoming campaign.

The Washington Post reports this.

As WP mentioned, the former president of America is attempting to gather funds for his election campaign. He is also informing donors that if he fails to win the presidency, their taxes will go up.

During a meeting with executives in the oil industry, he requested that they contribute $1 billion to his campaign. Trump claimed this would be a valuable opportunity for the business people, as they could save a significant amount of money if he were re-elected.

WP writes that in this way, the former president of the United States seeks to overcome the financial gap with Biden and pay expensive court bills for four of his criminal charges.

Trump's comments at such events usually relate to foreign policy and the topics he discusses at rallies, such as inflation and immigration.

However, it was at one of the events that he declared that "he would bomb Moscow and Beijing if Russia attacked Ukraine or China – Taiwan" if he were president.

The publication noted that such a statement surprised some donors who were present at the event.

For reference:

Election day is scheduled for November 5, 2024. By January 6, 2025, the votes of the electors must be officially counted in Congress, and the inauguration of the elected president will take place on January 20, 2025.

Currently, the Democratic and Republican parties of the USA have to decide on their candidates at the national conventions.

The Republicans must officially choose their candidate on July 15, 2024, and the Democrats on August 19. After that, debates and agitation will continue throughout the fall of 2024.

Also, current US President Joe Biden and ex-President Donald Trump have agreed to hold a debate in two rounds. They will take place in summer and autumn.

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