17:00 29 May 2024

Ukraine and Chile unite forces to bring back Ukrainian children abducted by Russia

Photo: Office of the President

As part of the "Stolen Voices" information campaign, which is part of President Volodymyr Zelensky's Bring Kids Back UA initiative, a delegation from Ukraine, led by Daria Herasymchuk, adviser to the Ukrainian president on child rights and rehabilitation, visited Chile. The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged the visit.

The Office of the President reports this.

The delegation and Ambassador Yuriy Diudin from Ukraine held meetings with government officials, human rights agencies, and the National Youth Institute of Chile's Ministry of Social Development and Family.

Україна та Чилі поглиблюють співпрацю для повернення українських дітей

Photo: Office of the PresidentThe adviser to the President stressed the importance of bringing back Ukrainian children who were abducted by the aggressor state of the Russian Federation.

"There is no global child safety system in the world today – this is what the broken destinies of Ukrainian children and their lost lives have proven. We hope for the whole world's support in our struggle because it is not only about our children. These are Ukrainian children today, and tomorrow, they may be children of any country," Daria Herasymchuk stressed.

Ambassador of Ukraine Yuriy Diudin noted that the Chilean government is ready to become an observer in the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children. He also hoped that the country would play an active role in the coalition's work.

For reference:

As previously reported by Rubryka, a Ukrainian delegation visited Argentina as part of the information campaign "Stolen Voices," which is part of President Volodymyr Zelensky's Bring Kids Back UA action plan.

Argentine assured that it is working on possibly joining the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children soon. The Argentine parliamentarians have already submitted the draft declaration on accession to the highest legislative body.

It should be noted that at a meeting of advisers on national security and foreign policy, Canadian representatives proposed to create a coalition of countries that would facilitate the return of Ukrainian children deported by the aggressor country.

Japan joined the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children.

Also, the United States of America officially became a member state of the coalition, which advocates the safe return to Ukraine of children illegally deported and displaced by the Russian Federation during the war.

As of mid-April, Ukraine confirmed the illegal removal of 19,546 children.


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