
Canada donates life-saving medical vehicles to Ukraine for severely ill patients

The Canada-Ukraine Foundation donated ten 2023 Ford Transit C-class ambulances to Ukraine, specifically designed for transporting critically ill patients.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine reported this.

The machines are fully loaded with all the necessary medical equipment.

Photo: Ministry of Health

"In the conditions of constant shelling and bombing by the enemy army and targeted destruction of medical infrastructure, we do everything to provide medical care for our patients. Effective and high-quality work in emergency medical services is critically important. This is about preserving the life and health of many people. I am grateful to all partners who help us to maintain the work of the emergency, in particular, to update the vehicle fleet, which, unfortunately, also often becomes a target for the enemy. Ten C-class ambulances purchased thanks to donations from Canadian citizens, are equipped with everything necessary to transport seriously ill patients and will strengthen the centers of emergency medical care and disaster medicine in seven regions of Ukraine," Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko said.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Health will utilize these vehicles to establish a national system for disaster medicine.

Ambulances have already been distributed among the centers of emergency medical care and disaster medicine in the Zakarpattia, Lviv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Khmelnytskyi regions.

Photo: Ministry of Health

The project was implemented with donations from Canadian citizens.

"Immense gratitude to all Canadian citizens and those who call Canada their permanent or temporary home. Your selfless actions and generous contributions truly make a difference in supporting Ukraine during these challenging times. Your support is bringing us closer and making us stronger together!" Honorary Consul of Canada Oksana Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych said.

Photo: Ministry of Health

In total, during the period of martial law, the Canadian-Ukrainian Foundation donated 24 cars, 100 ventilators, and medical products for healthcare facilities for health care needs.

Photo: Ministry of Health

For reference:

It should be noted that during the full-scale war in Ukraine, 261 ambulances were destroyed, 165 were damaged, and 125 were stolen.

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