“Charmed” star Alyssa Milano takes on new role as United24 fundraising platform ambassador to support Ukraine

Alyssa Milano, known for her role as Phoebe on the popular American TV show "Charmed," has been named the ambassador for the United24 fundraising platform.

United24 reports that on Telegram.

As noted, the famous actress and activist will support the "Education and Science" direction.

"Ukraine needs our support more than ever. A full-scale war in Ukraine is inhumane, vile, and barbaric. It must end with a just peace and victory for Ukraine. Ukrainians, know that I will be with Ukraine and support you on this path," Milano said.


For reference:

In July 2022, the legendary Imagine Dragons became ambassadors of the United24 platform. The group promotes the direction of medical care.

The first project the band Imagine Dragons collaborated on was a fundraiser for an ambulance organized by Olena Zelenska. The fundraiser aimed to save the lives of thousands of people.

Moreover, Imagine Dragons showcased a video featuring Ukrainian boy Sashko as the hero of the "Crushed" clip. The footage was filmed in Ukraine in 2022, using shots captured in Sashko's village, Novohryhorivka, in the Mykolaiv region, amidst a full-scale invasion.

Additionally, Barbra Streisand, who has won prestigious awards such as the Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, Tony, Golden Globe, and Peabody, is also a spokesperson for the platform. Streisand's grandparents came to the United States from Ukraine, and she focused on improving medical care.

Mark Hamill, an American actor known for his roles in the Star Wars franchise, is also a United24 ambassador. He was the first ambassador to raise funds in support of Ukrainian defenders, specifically through the "Army of Drones" initiative.

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