The Swedish government's press service reports this.
The government said that the new support will help ensure Ukraine's energy supply so that essential public services such as schools, hospitals, transport, water supply, and businesses can continue to function.
The new Swedish support for energy infrastructure is financed from the aid budget and managed by Sida on behalf of the government.
The new support consists of two parts:
The Swedish government notes that support through the UNDP will be aimed at financing the urgent construction of energy infrastructure in Ukraine.
"There is a great need for technical equipment and other resources for energy production, such as generators, transformers, installations, and personnel training.
Due to urgent needs, priority will be given to Kharkiv, but other regions of Ukraine will also be able to benefit from support, such as Odesa, Kyiv and Mykolaiv," the Swedish government emphasized.
It should be noted that the Swedish government agreed to create a three-year framework program of military support for Ukraine from 2024 to 2026, with a total amount of SEK 75 billion (over EUR 6 billion).
For reference:
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