09:40 27 May 2024

Zelensky to visit Spain and meet with PM Sanchez

Photo: From open sources

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is scheduled to travel to Madrid on Monday, May 27, to hold talks with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

The Spanish government announced this.

The message states that Zelensky will meet with Sanchez, after which the leaders will hold a joint press conference in Madrid at 12:00 local time.

Zelensky will also meet with King Felipe VI of Spain.

Earlier, Rubryka reported that Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky was planning to travel to Madrid on May 13 to sign a security agreement with Spain. The agreement was to be signed by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on behalf of Spain.

It is noted that the bilateral security agreement between Spain and Ukraine will ensure the stability and predictability of the military support that Spain already provides to Kyiv through the supply of weapons, the training of more than 4,000 fighters at the Training and Coordination Center in Toledo and the medical care of dozens of wounded at the military hospital in Zaragoza.

On May 14, the date of Zelensky's upcoming visit to Spain became known. The head of state was supposed to visit the capital of Spain—Madrid—on May 17.

However, EFE, citing sources in the royal palace, reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky canceled his visit to Spain, scheduled for May 17, due to the problematic situation at the front.

Later, it became known that due to the worsening situation at the front, in particular, the enemy's offensive in the Kharkiv region, President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered the postponement of all international events with his participation.

For reference:

It should be noted that on July 12, 2023, on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius, the leaders of the G7 countries agreed on a Joint Declaration of support for Ukraine. The document discussed, in particular, the work on specific bilateral long-term obligations and agreements in the security field.

President Volodymyr Zelensky approved the delegation to negotiate security guarantees for Ukraine in January. The delegation, led by the head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, was appointed according to the president's decree.

As of today, Ukraine has already signed bilateral security agreements with nine states, namely:

  • Great Britain,
  • Germany,
  • France,
  • Denmark,
  • Canada,
  • Italy,
  • the Netherlands,
  • Finland,
  • Latvia.

Currently, Ukraine and Sweden have started negotiations on concluding a bilateral security agreement. Also, on May 24, Kyiv and Warsaw started official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees between the states.

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