15:23 27 May 2024

NATO considers closing Western Ukrainian skies, decision still pending – Bild

Photo: open sources

Some NATO countries are ready to expand their support to Ukraine and start acting directly on Ukrainian territory.

Bild reports this.

According to Bild's sources, the following countries are in favor of extending aid:

  • Estonia;
  • United Kingdom;
  • Poland;
  • Canada;
  • Lithuania;
  • France.

However, some countries are against such a decision, including:

  • United States of America (USA),
  • Germany.

Currently, there are no definitive choices, but the matter is being considered from various perspectives.

  • Teaching entails training Ukrainian Defense Forces by instructors from the Alliance on Ukrainian soil. As Niko Lange, former head of the operational staff of the German Ministry of Defense, pointed out, it is wiser and more cost-effective to send instructors to western Ukraine rather than requiring hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to travel throughout Europe.
  • Logistics. Several NATO countries, including Britain, Canada, and Estonia, are considering the possibility of supplying weapons not to the borders of Ukraine but even closer to the front. Currently, the concept of "advanced logistics" is being developed;
  • Air defense. Poland initiated the issue of strengthening the defense of western Ukraine by NATO anti-aircraft systems. There is no final solution, either.

For reference:

Ukraine asked the West to help shoot down enemy missiles at the beginning of a full-scale war, but the Alliance is afraid of an escalation of the war.

President Volodymyr Zelensky recently observed that Poland often sends up planes during mass shelling, but it hasn't helped in defending Ukrainian airspace against Russian missile attacks.

"Can they do it? I'm sure they can. Is this an attack by NATO countries (their) involvement? No," the president stressed.

As previously reported, the United States of America has said it will not shoot down Iranian drones in Ukraine, as it did with its allies during the recent massive Iranian air attack on Israel.

It should be noted that President Volodymyr Zelensky, after the meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on April 15, said that Western countries could help Ukraine protect itself from Russian attacks in the same way as they helped Israel defend itself against Iranian strikes.

"Israel is not a member of NATO, and there was no need for anything like the activation of Article 5. And no one was drawn into the war. They simply helped to protect lives. The Shahed drones in the sky of Ukraine sound the same as in the sky of the Middle East. Ballistics hits the same everywhere if they are not knocked down.

Europe's skies could have long ago received precisely the kind of protection it needs if Ukraine had the same full support of its partners in shooting down drones and missiles. Terror must lose wholly and everywhere, not somewhere more, somewhere less," the President said.

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