Ukraine’s intelligence launches record attack on Russian radar from over 1,800km away in nighttime operation

On the night of May 26, Ukraine's intelligence successfully targeted Russia's "Voronezh-M" over-the-horizon radar station with a drone.

RBC-Ukraine reports this, referring to its source in intelligence.

The affected target is located in the city of Orsk, Orenburg region of the Russian Federation.

"The Ukrainian drone covered a distance of more than 1,800 kilometers to the enemy's target, setting a new record for the range of damage for kamikaze drones," the source said.

At present, the consequences of the impact are being clarified.

The "Voronezh" group of long-range over-the-horizon radar stations is intended to detect space and aerodynamic objects, including ballistic or cruise missiles.

Radar "Voronezh-M". Photo:

The radar group is made up of several stations:

  • "Voronezh-M" and "Voronezh-VP" for detecting meter wavelength signals;
  • "Voronezh-DM" for detecting decimeter wavelength signals;
  • and "Voronezh-SM" for detecting centimeter wavelength signals.

"Voronezh-M," struck by Ukraine's intelligence drone today, can detect targets up to 6,000 kilometers away.

It is worth mentioning that the previous record was achieved by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on May 9. An assault was launched on an oil refinery in Bashkiria. Before the strike, the drone had flown approximately 1,500 kilometers.

Earlier today, Rubryka reported that a "major attack" had occurred in the Oryol region. In the city of Livny, an unmanned aerial vehicle crashed into a gas station, causing damage to the building's exterior. According to Russian authorities, another drone also crashed at the same station while operatives were there dealing with the aftermath.

For reference:

On May 23, the attack drones of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine struck several objects of the Russian military-industrial complex in Tatarstan.

On the night of May 19, Russia declared a drone and missile attack spanning multiple regions of the country. One targeted an oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory, resulting in a fire after solid explosions. Additionally, drones targeted a military airfield in the town of Kushchovsk, also in the Krasnodar Territory.

On May 17, the Russians announced a night drone attack in the Belgorod region. Also, in the city of Tuapse (Krasnodar Territory), a fire broke out at the local oil refinery (refinery) due to a drone attack.

Also, on May 13, an oil depot and an electric substation in the Lipetsk and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation were damaged.

In addition, on the night of May 11, the strike drones of Ukraine's intelligence attacked the Volgograd oil refinery in the Russian Federation, which is part of the Lukoil corporation.

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