The European Commission broadcast reports this.
"We once again became convinced that Russian terror is aimed specifically at people, specifically at ordinary life in Ukraine, by attacking shopping centers, hardware stores, exclusively with the aim of killing people and spreading fear and terror," she said.
Baerbock noted that full support is even more important for Ukraine now.
"We want peace, and to ensure peace, we need to support Ukraine in all its aspects. Firstly, [to ensure – ed.] that Ukraine can protect itself, protect its people, protect life. Secondly, strengthening the economy with the upcoming recovery conference. And, on – third, further humanitarian aid in the amount of 60 million euros, especially for the east of Ukraine," the minister said.
She added that Germany and international organizations will provide even more humanitarian aid to east of Ukraine.
For reference:
Also, the Norwegian government is starting a new grant program and will allocate almost $6.4 million to strengthen civil society in Ukraine. The project will operate until 2027.
In addition, South Korea will allocate 200 million dollars of humanitarian aid to Ukraine this year, within the framework of the promised aid package of 2.3 billion dollars.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia announced the allocation of 656,447 euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. This aid is intended primarily to support the educational needs of the frontline areas and the children there.
The volume of humanitarian aid to Ukraine from all sectors of Estonia has already amounted to at least 26.6 million euros, of which the public sector's contribution amounted to 7.5 million euros.
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