EU, PACE, and UN condemn Russia’s attack on Kharkiv civilian infrastructure on May 25

The European Union, PACE and the UN condemned the Russian terrorist missile attack on Kharkiv, which took place on May 25.

Rubryka writes, referring to the X account of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, PACE President Theodoros Roussopoulos, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown.

"I condemn in the strongest terms Russia's heinous attacks against Kharkiv city today, including a crowded mall, killing and wounding civilians. All perpetrators of these and other Russian war crimes will be held to account.

These systematic Russian crimes against civilians and civilian infrastructure stress again the need for Europe to urgently ramp up support for air defense: it saves lives and protects Ukrainian towns," Borrell wrote on the social network.

Rousopoulos also emphasized that "bombing a construction hypermarket in Kharkiv on a Saturday is one additional evidence of the brutal and criminal character of Russia's leadership."

"Those responsible will be brought to justice," Roussopoulos stated.

In her turn, Brown also wrote that she was stunned and shocked by the terrible news from Kharkiv.

"I am appalled and shocked by the terrifying news arriving from Kharkiv. This afternoon, in broad daylight as people – despite all the horrors they endure every day in this city – were trying to go about their day, their lives were shattered by yet another attack by the Russian Armed Forces. The strike hit a busy shopping centre with scores of civilian casualties and massive damage to civilian facilities. 

This is utterly unacceptable. These strikes by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hitting civilians and civilian infrastructure must stop. Intentionally directing an attack against civilian infrastructure is strictly prohibited under international humanitarian law. 

Civilians must be protected," said the statement of the UN humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine.

What is known about the Russian shelling of a Kharkiv hypermarket on May 25

On May 25, around 4:00 p.m., an explosion rang out in Kharkiv. After that, the city's mayor, Ihor Terekhov, announced a possible strike on the city's sleeping area. Later, it turned out that the Russians hit the construction hypermarket with two precision-guided bombs. 

As a result of the Russian missile strike, 14 people died, and 43 people were injured.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavský, said that the Russian attack on a hypermarket in Kharkiv clearly demonstrates Putin's lack of aspirations for peace.

In his turn, Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that strengthening Ukrainian air defense and granting permission to strike military targets in the Russian Federation are the best ways to prevent Russian attacks.


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