BGV Charity Fund becomes main sponsor of “Side by Side National School Leagues” sports competitions

On May 18, the fourth stage of the regional school competition took place in the city of Zhytomyr.

Three hundred boys and girls from the Berdychiv, Zviahel, Korosten, and Zhytomyr districts participated in the event.

The teams competed in volleyball, basketball, futsal, orienteering, and cheerleading on seven fields.

The BGV Charity Fund provided sports kits to all participants. The fund's team purchased and donated the mascot doll "Lynx" and awards for first, second, and third places, including medals, cups, and plaques.

The BGV fund also bought 50 electronic chips for orienteering and promotional materials to decorate the sports halls. The overall budget was about UAH 625,000.


"Side by Side National School Leagues" is a competition for school students across Ukraine. Its slogan is "TOGETHER WE WIN."

The competition has five exciting stages at different levels: school, territorial, district, regional, and national. The competition runs from September to June. As part of the 2023/2024 season, the "National School Leagues" are scheduled from December 2023 to June 2024 and will include basketball, volleyball, futsal, orienteering, and cheerleading competitions.

The event aims to increase the number of students who regularly do sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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