11:40 25 May 2024

US will strike Russia's positions in Ukraine if Putin resorts to nuclear weapons — Polish foreign minister

Фото: weekendfm.pl

The United States has threatened Russia to destroy all Russian military targets in Ukraine if it dares to use nuclear weapons.

Hromadske writes that the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, stated this in an interview for The Guardian.

"The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn't kill anybody, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we'll destroy all of them," Sikorski said, calling it "a credible threat."

That is why, as the Guardian writes, the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry is skeptical of Russian threats to use nuclear weapons.

In addition, according to Sikorski, China and India also warned Russia about the ban on the use of nuclear weapons.

"And it's no child's play because if that taboo were also to be breached, like the taboo of not changing borders by force, China knows that Japan and Korea would go nuclear, and presumably they don't want that," the Polish minister believes.

Russia's threats to use nuclear weapons

It was previously reported that on May 6, Putin threatened the West with Russia's "technical readiness" to start a nuclear war.

Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, commenting on Russia's intentions to conduct training on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, stated that nuclear blackmail is a stable practice of the Putin regime.

ISW, for its part, believes that the Kremlin is timing the "rattling of nuclear weapons" with important political discussions in the West. This is how Russia tries to influence Western politicians in making important decisions.

We will remind that in the event of Russia's use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield in Ukraine, the United States of America was preparing a "non-nuclear" response.


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