The Institute of American Studies described the best practices for public transportation planning in Ukraine and cooperation with partners

Effective planning should focus on multimodal practices and transit-oriented development

Experts from the analytical center "Institute of American Studies" delve into this topic in their study, where they describe the best practices for urban public passenger transportation (UPPT) planning.

Cooperation between Ukraine and international partners, particularly the EU and the USA, plays a crucial role in the development of UPPT in Ukrainian cities:

  • European Investment Bank (EIB): The EIB helps finance projects to improve municipal infrastructure and public transport. The EIB's "Solidarity in Ukraine" package provides financial support for urgent needs and long-term infrastructure projects.
  • United States: The US has committed to supporting Ukraine's transport infrastructure through initiatives such as the US-Ukraine Infrastructure Task Force. This includes appointing recovery advisors to provide technical assistance and share best practices.

Urban public transport planning in Ukraine plays a vital role in the economy, tourism, and local mobility. Since much of the transport infrastructure was inherited from the USSR, the country faces significant challenges and opportunities in modernizing its systems to meet contemporary needs.

Effective management of UPPT has always been a challenge due to geographical factors and the state of infrastructure.

To improve urban mobility, Ukrainian cities are increasingly focusing on planning for multimodal transport. This involves creating networks that integrate all types of infrastructure, including public transport, cycling, and pedestrian paths, ensuring accessibility to all modes of mobility. Transit-oriented development (TOD) is another key element, involving the creation of sustainable and dynamic communities by integrating housing, businesses, transportation, and other urban services around transit stations for better access and inclusivity.

Examples of targeted improvements in UPPT in Ukrainian cities include:

  • Placement of transport hubs for convenient access and short waiting times.
  • Installation of information boards and schedule integration.
  • Development of mobile applications for easy navigation.
  • Promoting TOD by developing residential and commercial areas near transport stations to reduce car trips and increase public transport use.

New technologies are crucial for complex transport planning. Additionally, Ukraine must adopt green transport principles, learning from international best practices to promote sustainable development in the transport sector.

Read more in the study by "Institute of American Studies" expert Arsen Martyshchuk, "Urban Public Transport Planning in Ukraine: A Multimodal Approach"

The study was prepared in partnership with the media network "Recovery Window"

The Institute of American Studies explained how to implement a Marshall Plan 2.0 for Ukraine even during the war.

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