Company news 13:17 25 May 2024

BGV Fund, together with #WeAreAllUkrainians and Hanseatic Help, donates another batch of medical aid

The aid, with an overall value of UAH 500,000, included beds, rolling shelves, mattresses, wheelchairs and umbrellas, adult walkers, and shower and toilet chairs.

The recipients were medical institutions and charity organizations in various regions of Ukraine, including Kherson, Kyiv, Dnipro, and the Khmelnytskyi and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Specific recipients included the Kherson Regional Clinical Hospital, Kyiv Regional Children's Hospital, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17, Horodok City Multidisciplinary Hospital, Teofipol Multidisciplinary Hospital, Slavuta City Hospital, and the charities "United by Goods" and "Center for Assistance to Displaced Persons and Veterans."

Фонд BGV спільно із #WeAreAllUkrainians та Hanseatic Help передав чергову партію медичної гуманітарної допомоги

The non-profit German organization #WeAreAllUkrainians is the largest provider of humanitarian aid, including medical supplies, for the fund's beneficiaries.

The BGV Charity Fund team sincerely thanks #WeAreAllUkrainians and Hanseatic Help, who have been unwavering partners since the first days of the full-scale war in Ukraine, consistently helping Ukrainians in dire need.

Фонд BGV спільно із #WeAreAllUkrainians та Hanseatic Help передав чергову партію медичної гуманітарної допомоги

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