Ukraine and Poland begin talks on establishing joint security agreement

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, during a joint briefing with the Marshal of the Polish Senate, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, said that on May 24, Ukraine and Poland will start official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees between the states.

Ukrinform reports this.

"Today is a very important day in the history of relations between our states. Today, we are starting official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees between Ukraine and Poland," he informed.

According to him, the parties want this agreement to be as ambitious as possible.

The Ukrainian parliament speaker also mentioned that he and his Polish counterpart discussed various topics about the collaboration between their countries, such as:

  • defense,
  • protection of Ukraine,
  • establishing an international compensation system,
  • and parliamentary cooperation.

In addition, Stefanchuk expressed gratitude for Poland's active participation in supporting the Ukrainian state and President Zelensky's Peace Formula and for Poland's involvement at the highest level of the Peace Summit, which will be held in Switzerland on June 15-16 this year.

As Stefanchuk added on Facebook, Ukraine's European and Euro-Atlantic integration was also discussed.

According to him, the marshal's visit to Ukraine is evidence of the Polish people's unquestionable support for the struggle of Ukrainians against the Russian aggressor.

The parties discussed the security situation. Stefanchuk emphasized that Russia does not stop terror, and Ukraine needs military support.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada outlined priorities, including additional air defense and radio-electronic warfare systems, ammunition, armored vehicles, drones and anti-drone systems, and long-range missiles.

Stefanchuk thanked Poland for its constant support of Ukraine on the way to membership in the European Union and NATO.

"These are two defining directions for Ukraine. I noted that Ukraine has completed the four steps defined by the European Commission in the Enlargement Package regarding European integration. And now it is essential to approve the negotiation framework as soon as possible," he mentioned.

Stefanchuk also expressed gratitude for supporting the creation of the International Compensation Mechanism for Damages Caused to Ukraine by Russian Aggression.

"The aggressor must take responsibility for the aggression that's been started, especially by confiscating all frozen assets of Russia and transferring them back to Ukraine," Stefanchuk emphasized.

for reference:

As Rubryka reported, on May 23, the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, arrived in Ukraine on an official visit. She took part in the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine [Ukraine's parliament – ed.].

It should be noted that Ukraine has already concluded nine bilateral security agreements with Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, and Latvia. These documents are signed to implement the G7 Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine.

On July 12, 2023, on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius, the leaders of the G7 countries agreed on a Joint Declaration of support for Ukraine. The document discussed, in particular, the work on specific bilateral long-term obligations and agreements in the security field.

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