16:14 24 May 2024

New round of applications for eco-friendly diaper kits now open

As part of the "Eco-Consciousness from the Cradle" project, which began on February 6, the BGV Charity Fund assembled and sent 38,000 kits to various parts of Ukraine.

Since the project started, the BGV fund team has processed around 40,000 applications. Some of these applications did not pass the verification, so a new round of applications is now open. Only families who have not yet received the eco-friendly diapers can apply.

Families with children aged 0 to 3 years old can receive a kit. To apply, fill out a short online form on the official BGV Charity Fund website. You will need to provide information about the child and one parent, shipping details, and attach photos or scans of the required documents: the child's birth certificate, one parent's passport or ID card, and the parent's individual tax number. If you have multiple children, submit separate applications for each child, and if possible, use different parents for each application.

To apply for assistance and learn more about the project, visit this link: Project "Eco-Friendly Diapers" – BGV Charity Fund

The "Eco-Consciousness from the Cradle" project is implemented by the BGV Charity Fund together with the project's initiator, the German non-profit organization #WeAreAllUkrainians, the donor dm-drogerie markt (DM), and the logistics partner Nova Poshta, which delivers the packages to each family across Ukraine free of charge.

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