Photo: Ria News
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports this.
"The Kremlin appears to be developing a system to legalize the status of Russia's so-called "compatriots abroad," likely as part of its efforts to set information conditions to justify further aggression and hybrid operations abroad as "protecting" Russia's compatriots," the report reads.
According to experts, Yevgeny Primakov, director general of the Russian Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, "compatriots" living abroad, and international humanitarian cooperation, said in an interview with the Russian propaganda publication TASS that Russian Cooperation is developing the program "Electronic Card of a Compatriot" which will allow "compatriots" abroad to:
Primakov said Russia is preparing to launch a pilot version of the program in several neighboring countries and could start issuing the first cards by the end of 2024.
According to his estimates, Russia has 20 to 40 million "compatriots" abroad. However, analysts point out that Primakov does not specify what definition of the term "compatriot abroad" he uses.
The report added that Moldovan and Ukrainian officials had previously warned that Russian officials were using the "Russian House" to promote Russian propaganda and carry out "subversive work" abroad.
Russian Cooperation has been working on the "Electronic Card of a Compatriot" project since at least 2021 but has not yet launched the program. In June 2023, Primakov said that Russian Cooperation plans to open "certification centers" in "Russian House" cells around the world, where "compatriots" will be able to verify their identity as part of the application process.
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