United to win: Sweden pledges over €6 bln to aid Ukraine in three-year plan

The Swedish government has approved a three-year framework program to provide military assistance to Ukraine from 2024 to 2026, with a total budget of SEK 75 billion (equivalent to over EUR 6 billion).

The Swedish government's press service reports this.

The government emphasized that Sweden will continue to support Ukraine for as long as needed.

Based on the new proposal, Sweden will provide Ukraine with over 100 billion Swedish kroner (9.66 billion euros) in total military and humanitarian aid. This support may include donating defense equipment, providing financial contributions, and assisting with procuring defense equipment for use within Ukraine.

"Depending on the type of support that will be used, for example, whether it will be aimed at replacing purchases, the framework program may strain public finances for several years and even beyond 2026," the report reads.

For reference:

Since the first days of the war in Ukraine, Sweden has demonstrated a firm and consistent position, providing comprehensive assistance to Ukraine.

On February 20, Sweden announced a new military aid package for Ukraine. Among other things, it included combat boats.

Also, Sweden, together with Britain, joined the coalition of drones for Ukraine.

At the end of January, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine announced that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Sweden has provided 93 humanitarian cargoes, totaling 1,108 tons of aid to Ukraine's energy sector.

Moreover, Sweden is part of the aviation coalition, which aims to provide Ukraine with fighter jets. Thus, at the end of May, the Swedish government allowed Ukrainian pilots to undergo training on the JAS 39 Gripen fighter. They will be able to practice on simulators and make test flights.

The Swedish government also announced the allocation of SEK 75 million (EUR 6.52 million) to the UNESCO fund for the restoration and reconstruction of destroyed and damaged schools and kindergartens in Ukraine, particularly for arranging shelters in them.

In addition, Sweden should support Ukraine with artillery ammunition and build up its own reserves.

At the end of last year, Sweden announced financial assistance to Ukraine to support the Grain From Ukraine initiative. This initiative aims to ensure the export of Ukrainian grain to countries that need food.

In addition, Sweden joined the Czech initiative to supply artillery shells to Ukraine. Thirty million euros will be allocated for this purpose.

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