Russian offensive in Donbas targets capturing Pokrovsk – British intelligence

The Russian military's advance in eastern Ukraine is ongoing despite their establishment of a new front in the Kharkiv region. The current focus of their operation is on Pokrovsk.

The British Ministry of Defense reports that on X.

Specifically, the Russian forces continued to concentrate their operations in the northwest direction of Avdiivka, launching attacks on a broad front stretching across both sides of the E50 highway.

"Russian forces have probably achieved several small tactical successes over the past 72 hours, although probably at a high cost," the report said.

According to British intelligence, the E50 highway is the main link between Russian-held Donetsk and the Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk, which is about 30 km from the current front line but is likely to be a Russian operational target. Russian attacks in this direction are most likely aimed at creating a noticeable split in Ukrainian forces in the Donetsk region.

North of Bakhmut, in the vicinity of the city of Siversk, Ukrainian forces engaged in intense battles with Russian troops on May 18 and 19, 2024. Ukrainian positions in Bilohorivka, Verknokamiansk, and Rozdilovka were bombarded during the clashes.


"Russia's achievements in this area remain very limited," the British Ministry of Defense notes.

For reference:

As stated by the General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces, the most intense battles occurred on May 21 in the Pokrovsky area of the front. The Russian army is still moving forward towards the settlements of Yevhenivka, Sokil, Novoselivka Persha, Pivnichne, and Netaylove.

On May 10, the Russian army launched an offensive in the north of the Kharkiv region and is preparing a similar one in the Sumy region. It is possible that these actions were taken to pull Ukrainian forces away from the hottest areas of the front.

In the Kharkiv region, the Russian invaders expanded the zone of active hostilities by almost 70 kilometers, primarily focusing on the Strilecha-Lyptsi area to capture Vovchansk and launch an offensive in the rear of Ukrainian forces.

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