16:37 21 May 2024

Kyiv stands in solidarity with Kartvelians: rally planned outside Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine

On May 24 at 6 p.m., a solidarity event for the Kartvelian people fighting for their rights and freedom will take place near the Embassy of Georgia in Kyiv. The charity Fund "March of Women" and the NGO "Insight" are organizing this event.

Today, Sakartvelo [Georgia – ed.] is standing up for its right to be an independent country where the rights and freedoms of its citizens are protected, just like Ukraine did during the Revolution of Dignity. For over two weeks now, numerous protests have been happening in cities throughout Georgia in response to a proposed law on "foreign agents." Although it may not be receiving much attention in the media, Georgia's fight against Russian influence is very similar to what Ukrainian men and women have fought for and continue to fight for.

"We, Ukrainians, understand better than anyone what Georgia is going through now, once again choosing its independence. We defended ourselves and our right to be free from Russia on the Euromaidan, defending our lands from the Russian invasion and giving our lives for our country. Georgia rebelled against Russian influence, and we must support them now, expressing strong solidarity with the Georgian people," Olena Shevchenko, head of the NGO Insight, said.

The event organizers invite media representatives to participate and report on the event through their respective channels.

Program of the event:

  • 18:00 – Gathering of participants
  • 18:30 – Speeches by representatives of the Kartvelian diaspora and Ukrainian human rights defenders
  • 19:00 – Meeting
  • 19:30 – End of the rally

Address: 25 Taras Shevchenko Boulevard.

When: May 24 at 6 p.m

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/307518232295536/

Organizational information:

Pre-registration is not required to participate in the promotion, but for coordination and better organization, the organizers will be grateful for advance notice of your participation via the Google form: https://forms.gle/PXJMV1KJ9yBnKwik6

This action is not political; it is organized by public organizations in support of independence and democracy in Georgia.


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