Russian offensive in May aims to surround Kharkiv partially – The Economist

The Russian occupying forces' command had an offensive plan to try to surround Kharkiv partially and put pressure on Ukraine's armed forces east of the Pechenihy reservoir.

The Economist reports with reference to "received military plans."

It is noted that the operation was scheduled for May 15-16, but it was postponed for almost a week for unknown reasons.

According to the plans, the Russians identified two lines of attack on both sides of the reservoir.

As the newspaper reports, the onslaught in the western direction was supposed to bring the Russian troops within the radius of artillery action of the city of Kharkiv near the village of Borshkova within 72 hours.

However, they were stopped by a group of the 92nd brigade of Ukraine's armed forces, which pushed the invaders back as much as 10 km from the initial goal.

On the Vovchansk front, further to the east, the Russian plan envisaged a breakthrough to the settlement of Pechenihy.

For reference:

At this moment, Vovchansk of the Kharkiv region is almost destroyed due to constant shelling by the Russian invaders: the situation in the city is critical.

According to Roman Semenukha, the deputy head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, the military of Ukraine's armed forces controls approximately 60% of Vovchansk. However, the assaults in the city do not stop.

Russian troops in the Kharkiv region advanced 10 kilometers deep into Ukraine.

During his address, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, reported that the Russian invaders have significantly expanded the active combat zone in the Kharkiv region by nearly 70 kilometers. He also emphasized that their primary focus was on the Strilecha-Lyptsi area, to capture Vovchansk and launch an offensive in the rear of Ukrainian forces.

As reported, the occupiers prioritize capturing Vovchansk because it will give them a tactical advantage in advancing in the Kharkiv region.

However, according to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, this attack from Russia is purely a form of propaganda. The leaders of the aggressor country are attempting to show the West that Moscow still has control over the progress of the war in Ukraine.

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