
United to win: British man treks from Budapest to Uzhhorod to join Ukraine’s armed forces

Marcus Smith, a British citizen, completed an 8-day, 6-hour, 36-minute, and 14-second journey on foot from Budapest to Uzhhorod to enlist in Ukraine's armed forces.

The Zakarpattia Territorial Recruitment Center reports this on Facebook.

"I am from Manchester, and for the past few years, the war in your country has received global coverage on television. I have a deep admiration and respect for you, as you are bravely fighting for the peaceful existence of your nation. I have come here to lend a helping hand in this war. Unfortunately, it seems that Putin has no desire for peace, and I fear he will continue his aggression beyond Ukraine. He will want more and more, and this will lead to the third world war in which he will go on from country to country, saying, "I want this and that! And these are my rules!" That is why I am here, to fight for the Ukrainian people and hopefully prevent a world war," Markus said.

During the conversation, he mentions the Second World War and how his home country, Great Britain, managed to survive and maintain its freedom with the assistance of other nations.

"If it weren't for those brave individuals who came forward, we would have surely lost the war. If we fail to support your army at this crucial moment, it could result in a widespread conflict, which would have grave consequences for everyone," Markus Smith said.

He also expressed his respect for all currently in the army and hopes that men still hesitating to take up arms will reconsider their position.

"We are here to prevent the loss of lives in the future. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!" Markus concluded.

For reference:

It should be noted that a British businessman of Ukrainian origin will ride a bicycle seven thousand kilometers to raise funds for Ukrainian children affected by the war that Russia is waging against Ukraine.

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