Rebuilding Ukraine: US donates nearly 60 transformers to Kharkiv in energy aid

The United States donated 59 transformers and other equipment to Kharkiv, a city that is frequently targeted by air attacks from the Russian military.

The US Ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget Brink, reported that on X.

What is the problem?

During the National Telethon "Edyni Novyny," Ukraine's Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko emphasized the enemy's attempt to completely black out Ukraine with significant attacks on the energy sector.

Halushchenko said that consumers in 12 regions felt the impact of the attack. The Kharkiv, Odesa, and Khmelnytskyi regions were the most affected. Restoration work is ongoing.

In addition, the Russians destroyed the entire critical energy infrastructure of Kharkiv in March of this year with missile and drone strikes.

Today, the occupying forces continue to attack the city.

What is the solution?

For Kharkiv, which is subject to regular air attacks by the Russian military, the United States has transferred 59 transformers and other equipment.

How does it work?

Brink reported that the United States, via the Agency for International Development (USAID), sent over the following items last week to assist the Kharkiv power distribution system operator:

  • 50 voltage transformers;
  • nine current transformers;
  • 80 insulators.

"To help energy workers carry out urgent repair work in Kharkiv's power grid, damaged as a result of missile attacks and drone attacks from Russia," she explained.

Earlier, Brink also reported that the United States handed Ukraine 107 generators for the Kharkiv region, which is subject to regular air attacks from Russia.

According to her, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided these generators to five settlements in the Kharkiv region so that hospitals and schools could continue to work even during power outages.

For reference:

The Austrian government will allocate 5 million euros to Ukraine's energy support fund.

It is worth mentioning that the USAID project "Economic Support of Ukraine" provided six Ukrainian agricultural exporters with ten diesel generators ranging from 80 to 544 kW, allowing them to continue working during power outages.

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