UK urges Germany to send long-range missiles to Ukraine

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps is urging Germany to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles and allow them to be used for strikes on Crimea. 

He also said that Britain has already given Ukraine 80 air defense missiles since the beginning of May, with another 20 to be sent by early June. He made these statements in an interview with Sky News, Rubryka reports.

Shapps mentioned that Britain considers Crimea a part of Ukraine that is occupied by Russia and that his country has allowed Ukraine to use the weapons provided by Britain to target Russian positions in Crimea. He believes other partners should do the same.

"What I would like to see is all our partners, including Germany, who have the capability to provide long-range weapons but do not allow their use in Crimea, which is part of Ukraine. I think this needs to happen first," said Shapps.

The British defense secretary also called on other European countries to increase their support for Ukraine, emphasizing that the West is in a ridiculous situation, fighting for democracy while delaying aid to Ukraine.

Commenting on a statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who said that Ukraine is in a nonsensical situation where the West fears Russia losing the war and doesn't want Ukraine to lose either, Shapps reminded:

"By delaying what we need to do, we risk doing exactly what President Zelensky is worried about."

He added:

"We must understand that we are in an existential battle for our view of world order and democracy. We must stand firm in this battle."

Shapps also criticized "some countries" for not putting enough effort into the collective defense of the West. He highlighted that delays in providing additional aid to Ukraine from the US created gaps, allowing Putin to try to reach Kharkiv. Shapps expressed confidence that Ukraine can repel the attack, but warned that the coming weeks will be tough.

British Defense Minister Grant Shapps also said that his country has already provided Ukraine with 80 air defense missiles since the beginning of May. Another 20 missiles will be sent by early June.

The Sun reported that Shapps' statement came amid a Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region, which the British minister called "a wake-up call for the West."

In addition to air defense missiles, Britain sent Ukraine 20 Viking amphibious armored vehicles and over 4,000 pieces of military clothing in May.

Previously, Britain announced the largest military aid package for Ukraine, worth £500 million (over $617 million). This package included over 1,600 attack and air defense missiles, as well as additional long-range Storm Shadow missiles.

British Foreign Minister David Cameron stressed that Ukraine has the right to use the weapons provided by his country to strike targets on Russian territory.

What we know about the air defense systems provided by partner countries to Ukraine:

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba stated that Ukraine is currently negotiating the delivery of four Patriot batteries.

The German defense company Rheinmetall plans to open a facility in Ukraine specializing in air defense systems.

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