Impact Force Forum 2024 to feature groundbreaking solutions for Ukraine’s long-term stability

The leading experts will focus on restoring the nation's mental health, creating favorable conditions for the development of impact businesses and social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, and addressing the growing role of women in all spheres of life.

On May 21, 2024, the InterContinental Kyiv hotel will host the Impact Force Forum 2024, the purpose of which is to unite the efforts of the public and private sectors, public organizations, and international partners to strengthen Ukraine's resilience. In the framework of five-panel discussions, the event participants will exchange experiences and best practices for solving urgent issues to overcome the terrible consequences of war and create a foundation for future growth.

At the forum, participants will discuss different ways to ensure and strengthen stability in Ukraine. The focus will be on practical solutions that will make a lasting impact in both the humanitarian and economic sectors. This includes:

  • providing psychological support to the population,
  • promoting economic sustainability through innovation,
  • attracting investment,
  • and fostering social entrepreneurship.

Participants will also address digital sustainability, ecological restoration, and utilizing the people's potential, including providing opportunities for retraining and employment for those affected by the war.

"We need to work together to overcome the challenges and ensure sustainable success. We must establish an environment where social innovators, individuals, and businesses can make profits and positively impact their communities and the state. Progress has been made in this direction over the past two years, but there is still much more to accomplish. Going forward, all projects and programs should aim to create lasting social impact. This forum is another milestone in our journey, providing the opportunity to explore possibilities, equip ourselves with the skills and resources, and support the efforts of those working towards creating a better future," Impact Force co-founder Nina Levchuk emphasizes.

In addition to panel discussions, the results of two programs implemented this year will be presented at the forum:

  • "Innovators of Energy Efficiency of Ukraine,"
  • "ReStart Consciousness."

"Innovators of Energy Efficiency of Ukraine" is a comprehensive acceleration program for Ukrainian companies that develop innovative solutions in the field of energy efficiency. During the forum, 30 program finalists will present their projects, which will not only help reduce costs significantly in the short term but will also stimulate the systematic introduction of the latest technologies during the country's recovery.

In turn, the "ReStart Consciousness " initiative was specifically designed for women, including defense personnel from Ukraine and female relatives of veterans. Its goal is to assist participants in enhancing their psychological well-being, build resilience to stress, and prepare them for professional growth. Over 90 women have already joined the program and will have the opportunity to share their personal experiences and achievements.

"War demands more than just physical strength from us; it also requires mental resilience. The progress of our country hinges on our understanding of this, for it is only those who can handle psychological obstacles and tap into the inner resources that can aid themselves and others, show compassion, and be productive. We will share pioneering solutions from diverse fields on this forum, easily adaptable and geared towards overcoming the aftermath of war and achieving victory and moving forward," says the head of the Impact Force Forum 2024 organizing committee, Olha Diakova.

Forum program.



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