13:42 16 May 2024

Russian forces seize and execute locals in captured part of Vovchansk, Kharkiv region – Minister of Internal Affairs Klymenko

In the Kharkiv region, in the northern part of Vovchansk, Russian invaders are taking prisoners and shooting residents.

Internal Affairs Minister Ihor Klymenko announced this on Telegram.

He says that in the northern area of Vovchansk, where there are ongoing hostilities, the Russian military is capturing civilians.

The evacuation in that area has been ongoing until today. The National Police of Ukraine has persisted in evacuating people despite all threats and while under fire.

Currently, based on operational information, the Russian military, who were attempting to establish control in the city, have prevented residents from evacuating. Klymenko emphasized that people have been abducted and forced into basements.

As the minister emphasized, it is known about the first executions of civilians by the Russian military. In particular, one of the residents of Vovchansk tried to escape on foot, refused to obey the commands of the invaders, and the Russians killed him.

Klymenko said investigators of the National Police in the Kharkiv region have started criminal proceedings on the grounds of violation of the rules and customs of war.

The minister added that the National Police's evacuation teams continue to work in Vovchansk despite intense combat clashes and are trying to ensure the further evacuation of people.

The situation in Vovchansk, according to DeepState, as of the morning of May 16. Photo: Screenshot

In addition, President Volodymyr Zelensky convened a meeting with the General Staff in Kharkiv. Given the challenging circumstances in this area, a decision was reached to bolster the presence of Ukraine's armed forces.

For reference:

According to the Ministry of Defense, on May 10, the occupiers intensified shelling in the northern direction of the Kharkiv region.

At the same time, the invaders are mercilessly shelling the local population. Due to the worsening of the situation, several thousand people were evacuated during these days.

Currently, Vovchansk of the Kharkiv region is almost destroyed due to constant shelling by the Russian invaders: the situation in the city is critical.

On the morning of May 15, it was announced that Ukrainian soldiers on the Kharkiv front, in the Lukiantsi and Vovchansk districts, had to relocate from their current positions to keep their fellow service members safe and prevent any casualties.

According to the General Staff, the Kharkiv front situation has stabilized in the past few days. The Ukrainian armed forces have successfully carried out combat missions within the urban development of Vovchansk, keeping the enemy under their fire control. The General Staff announced that Russian attempts to establish a stronghold in the urban development of Vovchansk have been thwarted.

Analysts of the Institute for the Study of War noted that the Russian invaders advanced no more than 8 kilometers from the border in the northern part of the Kharkiv region. They intended to create a "buffer zone" and not advance deep into the Kharkiv region.

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