United to win: Ukraine to receive Sentinel 830R boats from Australia

The Australian government has selected Sentinel 830R RHIB boats to provide to Ukraine's armed forces as part of its military aid.

The company's press service reports that on its website.

What is the problem?

Today, Ukraine needs boats to patrol rivers and the sea.

"We are discussing the need to increase our naval presence, including proper patrol measures, to prevent the enemy from interfering with Ukraine's successful initiatives.

Currently, we have a real need to ensure the safety component – to have such boats. We are so capable that we can use them, even exceeding their tactical and technical characteristics," Nataliia Humeniuk, the former press officer of the Operational Command "Pivden" [South – ed.], noted earlier.

What is the solution?

Therefore, the Australian government decided to transfer Sentinel 830R RHIB boats as part of military aid to Ukraine's armed forces.

Boat Sentinel 830R RHIB. Photo: sentinelboats.au

How does it work?

As part of April's $100 million military aid package, the Australian government announced the purchase of military-grade Sentinel 830R boats.

The Sentinel 830R is a rigid-hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) manufactured by Sentinel Boats. It is suitable for performing tasks in river reservoirs and seawater areas.

Boat Sentinel 830R RHIB. Photo: sentinelboats.au

"The 830R can be rapidly deployed and requires minimal maintenance, providing greater operational readiness when Ukrainian forces need it," said Sentinel Boats CEO George McGuire.

It's currently unclear how many boats will be transferred, but they will be included in the 20 million component of the military aid package.

The boats ordered for Ukraine will be delivered in the coming months, along with other support packages promised by the Australian government.

For reference:

In addition to the boats, the package of military aid from Australia will include the order of many MANPADS [man-portable air-defense systems – ed.] worth 50 million.

Over 30 million of the 100 million package will be allocated to drones in the "drone coalition." Specifically, a portion of these funds will be utilized to support orders from Ukrainian UAV manufacturers.

"As part of the drone coalition, Australia will supply us with drones worth $32.5 million. Also, a large batch of RBS 70 MANPADS worth several tens of millions of dollars will be delivered to Ukraine," Ukraine's PM Shmyhal said.

Furthermore, the Australian government plans to relocate undisclosed air-to-ground weapons from its arsenal. They may include bombs dropped from aircraft or other types of missiles.

It should be noted that the naval flags of Ukraine's armed forces were raised on two patrol boats transferred from Estonia to celebrate their inclusion in the Ukrainian national fleet.

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