Russian occupation forces attempt to advance on Ukrainian territory, battlefield situation raises concern – US Department of Defense

The Russian army is currently attempting to advance into Ukrainian territory, and the situation on the battlefield is challenging, which is causing great concern.

The US Department of Defense spokesman, Pat Ryder, stated this, according to European Pravda.

"Now, in Ukraine, the situation on the battlefield is difficult. But according to all the data, you know that the Ukrainians continue to take measures to protect their territory.

And we will do everything we can to provide them with the critical weapons and supplies they need," said the Pentagon representative.

Ryder emphasized that the United States is now working hard to speed up aid delivery to Ukraine.

The spokesman was asked what could have caused the situation to escalate. Ryder replied that it was a combination of various factors, including the delay in approving aid from the US.

"It is clear that there are other partners around the world who are assisting Ukraine. But the Russians have taken advantage of the situation on the battlefield and are trying to advance. No matter how insignificant these advances are, this is certainly a cause for concern," the Pentagon representative concluded.

For reference:

It should be noted that against the background of the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region, during his visit to Kyiv on May 14, State Secretary Anthony Blinken announced a new military aid package worth $400 million.

It should be added that last month, Congress finally approved the long-awaited 61 billion-dollar package of military aid to Ukraine.

As previously reported, according to US President's National Security Assistant Jake Sullivan, his country is preparing a new military aid package for Ukraine, which will be announced in the coming days.

In addition, the White House said it is working with allies to supply Ukraine with more Patriot batteries.

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