United to win: US pledges extra $2 bln to Ukraine in aid

United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced the allocation of an additional two billion dollars in aid to Ukraine.

The American official said that during a briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

"We have additional aid on the way. In fact, some aid has already arrived. But today, I want to add to that by announcing that we will provide an additional two billion dollars in financial and military aid to Ukraine," the US Secretary of State said.

Blinken also mentioned that an unprecedented fund for defense enterprises is currently being established as part of this aid. The fund has three main objectives:

  • supplying immediate weapons,
  • investing in the growth of the Ukrainian defense industry,
  • and procuring weapons from other countries, not just the USA.

The US Secretary of State also emphasized that all attention is currently focused on the northeast of Ukraine, where the Russian invaders are trying to advance. He assured that the announced aid should arrive in the near future to help the Defense Forces.

"We are in a hurry with ammunition, armored vehicles, missiles, air defense. We are trying to speed up their delivery to the front to protect soldiers and civilians. Air defense systems are, of course, the highest priority.

We are focused in our conversations on the details of what we are doing to find more (systems – ed.) air defense and deliver them to Ukraine. I can say that this is an urgent and priority issue for us," Blinken said.

In response, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba reiterated that the country is in urgent need of seven Patriot systems, with two of them needed for the Kharkiv region as soon as possible.

For reference:

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, recently announced that Ukraine has identified 100 free Patriots around the globe but is currently seeking seven to bolster defense against potential Russian missile threats.

In addition, according to the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Ukraine is even ready to lend seven batteries of the Patriot air defense system.

On April 18, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz noted that NATO partners could supply Ukraine with six Patriot systems.

In addition, the Netherlands publicly declared its willingness to buy the Patriot battery, a significant factor.

The Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, also stated that the Netherlands is not the only country willing to purchase a Patriot air defense battery at this time and later transfer it to Ukraine.

Ukraine is in talks with its partners about obtaining Patriot air defense systems. At the moment, it is looking to acquire about four anti-aircraft missile systems.

As a reminder, the Patriot battery includes radars and control stations to identify, track, and target enemy weapons, launchers, and support assets.

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