The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports this.
According to American analysts, the Russian troops have been moving quickly in Vovchansk, and there have been reports of multiple bridges being destroyed across vital rivers.
They note that during the past day, May 13, Russian troops continued tactically significant offensives to the north and northeast of Kharkiv. Analysts have not yet recorded confirmation that the enemy crossed to the southern bank of the Vovcha River in Vovchansk or its immediate surroundings.
However, on May 12, the Russians hit the bridges over the river to the west and east of the city, and the day before, they began shelling the river crossings and logistics routes in Vovchansk itself.
The ISW could not clearly establish why the Russian army targeted the bridges, as they are needed for the transition, ensuring stable logistics across the river and further offensive operations deep into the north of the Kharkiv region.
Photo: ISW
The ISW noted that the Russian forces are trying to create a "buffer zone" and not penetrate deep, as the institute previously estimated.
"These factors indicate that the Russians are likely trying to create a promised 'buffer zone' in the border area instead of advancing deep into the Kharkiv region or towards Kharkiv," the ISW report says.
American experts note that the 10-kilometer buffer zone in the Kharkiv region will simultaneously bring Russian troops closer to Kharkiv within range of barrel artillery and remove the main Russian logistics centers from the reach of this type of artillery.
ISW key findings as of May 13:
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