13:22 14 May 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine: Argentina plans to provide spare parts for damaged Ukrainian energy facilities

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Argentina can help Ukraine with spare parts in the restoration of energy and civil infrastructure, which suffered from large-scale Russian air attacks.

Economy Minister Yuliia Svyrydenko announced this during a meeting with Argentina's Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Religion, Diana Mondino.

What is the problem?

The latest massive Russian attacks on energy facilities:

What is the solution?

Ukraine and Argentina discussed assistance to Ukraine in the restoration of energy and civil infrastructure damaged by Russian missile attacks.

"We raised the issue of systematic attacks by Russia on our energy infrastructure and opportunities for assistance in its restoration from the side of Argentina.

Our systems are partially similar so that Argentina can help Ukraine with some spare parts," Svyrydenko said.

During their meeting, the Ukrainian official and the Argentine minister also explored options to enhance collaboration in the defense sector. This included:

  • considering the establishment of joint defense enterprises,
  • acquiring artillery ammunition and gunpowder,
  • and investing in Argentine arms manufacturers.

As Svyrydenko noted, the Ukrainian side invited Argentine companies to participate in agricultural investment projects in Ukraine, particularly regarding equipment for temporary storage of grain in silage bags.

"As a result of such shelling, our country needs equipment for temporary grain storage, in particular, in silage bags, the production of which Argentina is famous. Therefore, we invited Argentine companies to join investment projects in Ukraine in the field of agriculture," the minister continued.

She also hopes that trade in agricultural goods will increase, including exports of Ukrainian nitrogen fertilizers to Argentina.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that the USAID project "Economic Support of Ukraine" provided six Ukrainian agricultural exporters with ten diesel generators ranging from 80 to 544 kW, allowing them to continue working during power outages.


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