10:10 14 May 2024

NATO chief urges increased and "more predictable" military support for Ukraine to secure victory

Photo: Europa Press

The top priority for the North Atlantic Alliance is securing Ukraine's victory against Russian aggression. Member nations of NATO must continue to support Ukraine's armed forces and make this aid more meaningful and predictable.

According to Ukrinform, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated this during a discussion on the Alliance's future at the NATO Youth Summit.

The head of the Alliance noted that without Ukraine's victory, all efforts to rebuild it as a democratic and sovereign European country would lose meaning.

Stoltenberg emphasized that the military bloc would participate in reconstructing Ukraine and developing its security and defense structures after the war.

However, first, it is necessary to ensure the victory of the Ukrainian state over the Russian Federation because if this does not happen, there will be nothing to talk about in terms of the reconstruction of a European and independent Ukraine.

"The immediate and most important task is to provide Ukraine with military assistance, which NATO and allied countries are doing now. We need to continue and make this support more predictable, meaningful, and decisive. We will probably make such a decision at the NATO summit in July," Stoltenberg emphasized.

The Secretary General of the Alliance noted that Ukraine's recovery after the war would be very costly.

However, the more means the Allies provide Ukraine for defense now, the less effort will be required for its post-war recovery.

Every anti-aircraft missile that the West transfers to Ukraine will mean less destruction and, accordingly, less need for post-war reconstruction.

"We must be able to help Ukraine win—this is important for Ukrainians and for us. Every day, while this war continues, brings more destruction, and greater expenditure of these resources will be necessary to restore it all. But the prerequisite for such a restoration is victory," Stoltenberg emphasized.

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