Reuters reports this.
This was the first time a high-ranking US official had visited Ukraine since Congress approved a much-anticipated military aid package of $61 billion for the country last month.
The trip is intended to demonstrate US solidarity with Ukraine, which is trying to fend off massive Russian bombing on its northeastern border.
"Blinken hopes to send a strong message of reassurance to the Ukrainians, who are obviously in a tough situation," a US official who spoke to reporters traveling with Blinken said on the condition of anonymity.
The official noted:
"The secretary of state's mission here is to talk about how our additional assistance will be delivered in a way that will help strengthen their defenses (and) allow them to seize the initiative on the battlefield increasingly."
Artillery, long-range missiles, and anti-aircraft missiles approved by President Joe Biden on April 24 are already being delivered to Ukrainian troops, a government official said.
The official said Blinken would assure Ukrainian officials, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, of the continued support of the United States and deliver a speech focused on Ukraine's future.
For reference:
As reported, US President's National Security Assistant Jake Sullivan said that his country is preparing a new military aid package for Ukraine, which will be announced in the coming days.
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